850مطحنة زاوية سلكية متغيرة السرعة مقاس 125 مم مع مفتاح تشغيل

أدوات كهربائية

5-inch Varible speed angle grinder with Trigger switch
الجهد / التردد:110V/220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
متغيرة السرعة: 6 Speed control(Optional)
Switch type: Trigger


100mm/115mm/125mm Variable Speed Electric Angle Grinder With Trigger Switch

This electric metal angle grinder comes with following features:

  • Metal gear case for durability and longer life
  • with a two-position Vibration Control side handle, making it less strenuous to operate.
  • Spindle lock for easy accessory changes
  • Included Components: Small angle grinder, Metal grinding wheel, Spanner wrench, Wheel Guard
  • Big size of trigger button makes more comfortable operating
  • 6-speed regulation variable speed control,allowing the user to match speed to application.

ETAG02-850S Electric Angle Grinder with Trigger Switch Specification:

نموذج: ETAG02-850/850S
اسم: 850جلاخة زاوية كهربائية W
الجهد / التردد: 110V/220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
قوة: 850دبليو
متغيرة السرعة: 8000RPM-11300RPM
Swith type: Trigger
Disc Size: 4IN,4-1/2 IN,5 IN
حجم علبة الألوان: 40*12.5*11.5سم
لون مربع N / G الوزن: 2.11kg/2.35kg
Carton box size: 62*42*24سم
أجهزة الكمبيوتر / الشركة التونسية للملاحة: 10 جهاز كمبيوتر شخصى / كرتون
لون مربع N / G الوزن: 21.5kg/23.5kg


ما هو مدرج في?

1 pcs ETAG02-850/850S Metal Angle Grinder with Trigger Switch

1 pcs Vibration Control Side Handle

1 pcs Grinding Guard

1 pcs Instruction Manual

1 زوج فرشاة الكربون

1 pcs Spanner Wrench

ETAG02-850S variable speed angle gridner

4-1/2 inch variable speed angle grinder with trigger switch color box and carton packing:

variable speed angle grinder color boxETAG02-850S angle grinder carton package

2*0.75mm2 VDE approval 2m power cable for this Variable speed angle grinder machine:

VDE approval rotary hammer drill power cable

Big size trigger switch button makes grinder start operation more comfortable

corded angle grinder long handle and big size switch

Big size of wheel guard,ensures to meet different size of wheel.

grinder wheel guard

6 variable speed control(8000rpm-11300rpm),allowing the user to match speed to application.

6 variable speed contol angle grinder

And we also have the other model ETAG02-850 angle grinder similar like this model, but without variable speed regulation,it also comes with 850W motor and wide trigger switch:


850W electric angle grinder machine-minAG02-850 angle grinder with trigger switch-min




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جلاخات زاوية كهربائية

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حاجز #7-4, منطقة تايتشو الإبداعية,

729, طريق جينغتشونغ, جياوجيانغ,

تايتشو, تشجيانغ, الصين 318000

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